If you have technical or practical questions, contact the secretary of the association at 30/493-7738 or at the e-mail address pku@pkuegyesulet.hu.
Please bear in mind that our employees - the association's chairmanship, secretary, administrator - carry out their activities in the association as charitable work, so they work full-time. If they are unable to answer the phone immediately or write an e-mail, they will contact you as soon as they have free time, but they may not always be available immediately. For the same reasons, the association telephone is open from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., so we do not accept incoming calls before or after that.
Our mailing address: 1380 Budapest, Pf. 1160
The official representative of the association is the president. He can also be reached at the above e-mail address for media and other legal issues that require a decision, e.g. discounts on membership fees, media appearances, events, etc.
First and foremost, we provide our members with a supportive community, where lifelong friendships can be formed between dieters and their parents.
Secondly, membership has more financial advantages, since
· in the form of a product subsidy, the dieter will get the membership fee back within a month or two,
· you can participate in association events,
· dieters can camp for free - and their families with a discount - in our association camps, where both the normal and diet menus are provided,
· student dieters in financial support, so-called they can receive a scholarship program to continue their studies,
· they get free access to the current issue of PKU Magazine, in which we bring up-to-date information from the world of PKU.
Our association is also open to other congenital low-protein dieters, so our members also include people with galactosemia, tyrosinemia, MSUD and other rare metabolic disorders. We ask them to attach a certificate from a specialist doctor about the existing diagnosis to the support data sheet.
Family members, grandparents, distant relatives and friends can also support the Association, the so-called by paying a sponsor's fee, which is HUF 5,000/year. The supporter of the association is not entitled to participate in the complaint system or to purchase discounted products. Our supporters can only participate in camps and other programs and events organized by the association.
You can see the entry conditions and current membership fees under the PKU/Membership information menu item.
The professional committee of the Hungarian PKU Association consists of the following persons:
Dr. János Bókay – pediatrician, attending physician of the PKU care center – No. I Children's Clinic, Budapest
Dr. Zsidegh Petra - pediatrician, attending physician - I. no. Children's Clinic, Budapest
Dr. Péter Reissmann - internist, endocrinologist, attending physician of the adult PKU care center - SE I. no. Internal Medicine, Budapest
Dr. Gábor Rácz - pediatrician, attending physician of the PKU care center - Gyermeklinika, Szeged
Erika Kiss - senior dietician - I. no. Children's Clinic, Budapest
Erika Simon - dietician
Eszter Gyüre – dietician – PKU Care Center SZTE-SZAKK, Szeged
We provide dietary product support for all dieters based on their age. This is an annual fixed amount that can be paid to us on one (maximum two) occasions. An invoice for low-protein products purchased in stores, webshops, and specialty stores must be requested in the name of our diet member, and sent to the e-mail address (or postal address) shown on the contact tab of the association and max. After 1 month of approval, the amount of the purchase will be transferred to the specified bank account! As age advances - the amount of food also increases, and the amount of support increases. For example, for an adult, this amount is currently five times the membership fee!
· with one percent of your personal income tax ("SZJA 1%"), our tax number:
· with voluntary work
· with financial support, the amount is transferred to the association's bank account - in the case of economic entities, we issue a tax certificate upon request
Under the menu item Information/Useful addresses, information, the list of online stores and the list of stores offering special low-protein products is constantly updated.
+ tip: Great, tested diet recipes can be found in Erika Kiss's blog, and in the PKU Maestro's and Csodabogár's Recipe Library menus! Availability in the Sponsors menu item.
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